Thursday, August 4, 2011

Annie Post: Mom is Back Home

Good very early morning to you all. Thanks so much for all your kindness over the past few days. Mom received so many flowers while in the hospital that we ran out of places to put them. Thankfully, we're back home and they're decorating every room of the house. We also have more food in our fridge than we could ever possibly eat - but that is also a wonderful blessing, as none of us have any interest in thinking about grocery shopping at present.

Hospice had come in and decked out one of our bedrooms with all the equipment and gear to keep her as comfortable as possible, and Kathy Thornhill and Carolyn Gundrum kindly found some appropriately hippie (peace signs!) sheets to throw on her bed.

Because she is very weak, we would prefer to limit visits to the house. If you'd like to see her, please call in advance, and we'll let you know if that will be possible. You are more than welcome to relay messages to her through me or Jon. If you feel the need to "do something!" as so many of you have so kindly expressed, we often need errand-runners for supplies and/or prescriptions, and Jon and I will graciously welcome any gifts of beer. Or wine. Seriously. It's needed, trust me. We might also need a place for out-of-town visitors to crash, if you have an extra room nearby.

Deborah Mack (my dad's sister), my grandpa, and our cousin Ashley will be coming into town tomorrow, and we eagerly await their arrival.

Thanks once more for your concern. It's no wonder that my mom has touched so many lives that we're now overwhelmed with your generosity. Please continue to keep her in your prayers and thoughts.

With love,


Anonymous said...

I would love to make a beer/wine/tequila delivery. address?

please give hugs and kisses to your mama for me. :)

Annette (335-5689)

Dorothy Kornsey said...

Claudia, you were my hippie friend from Jr. High, the beautiful free spirit with a guitar. I have held you in my heart over all these years, the artist who could see so much more than the rest of us, even now with one eye. I am so thankful that we were able to reconnect on FB. I want you to know that when you leave a small part of me will go with you. Thank you for the beauty that you have shared with us.
Love, your old classmate, Dorothy Gallucci Kornsey

Palm Beach Equestrian Homes said...

You are all in my prayers. I wish I could be there with you guys!

Jessica Brooke said...

:( love you all.

K_to_the_ukla said...

Thank you Annie & Jon for the updates. I appreciate it & know other people do too.

Much love.

gregg said...

Hi Claudia, I know its been a few years. Jan and Paul Propst are close friends and Jan speaks of you. I was left with limited mobility after a stroke last Fall and wonder if we are now paying for our wild youths. If so I have no real regrets. I have enjoyed your "Seeing Clearly" and my thoughts go with you Gregg Purvis