Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Join Mom's memorial page on facebook.

Share your stories, and post pictures!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Our darling mother passed away yesterday morning, at around 10:30am. Both of her children were at her side.

There will be a service at Dimnent Memorial Chapel on Sunday, August 14th, at 2pm. Further details to come.

Love to all,
Annie and Jon

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Annie Post: Mom is Back Home

Good very early morning to you all. Thanks so much for all your kindness over the past few days. Mom received so many flowers while in the hospital that we ran out of places to put them. Thankfully, we're back home and they're decorating every room of the house. We also have more food in our fridge than we could ever possibly eat - but that is also a wonderful blessing, as none of us have any interest in thinking about grocery shopping at present.

Hospice had come in and decked out one of our bedrooms with all the equipment and gear to keep her as comfortable as possible, and Kathy Thornhill and Carolyn Gundrum kindly found some appropriately hippie (peace signs!) sheets to throw on her bed.

Because she is very weak, we would prefer to limit visits to the house. If you'd like to see her, please call in advance, and we'll let you know if that will be possible. You are more than welcome to relay messages to her through me or Jon. If you feel the need to "do something!" as so many of you have so kindly expressed, we often need errand-runners for supplies and/or prescriptions, and Jon and I will graciously welcome any gifts of beer. Or wine. Seriously. It's needed, trust me. We might also need a place for out-of-town visitors to crash, if you have an extra room nearby.

Deborah Mack (my dad's sister), my grandpa, and our cousin Ashley will be coming into town tomorrow, and we eagerly await their arrival.

Thanks once more for your concern. It's no wonder that my mom has touched so many lives that we're now overwhelmed with your generosity. Please continue to keep her in your prayers and thoughts.

With love,

Monday, August 1, 2011

From Jon

Hi everyone,

I'm posting on mom's behalf with an update. The cancer in her liver has made her extremely dehydrated and as a result she's spending a few days at the hospital while they rehydrate her. They're also treating her for an ammonia build-up resulting from her liver's reduced capacity to filter it. The ammonia has made her a little confused, but that should clear in the next day or two.

For anyone who wants to send a card or flowers, she's at Holland Hospital in Room 411, Bed 1.

Please send all the thoughts, prayers, and positive energy you can her way.


ps - Mom needs a lot of rest while she's recovering, so if you have any questions send either Annie (ahagar at gmail dot com) or me (jonhagar at gmail dot com) an email and we'll do our best to fill you in with the latest.